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Getting a book published through a publishing company will guarantee a large distribution, slightly better legitimacy, a better chance for being stocked in bookstores and a better chance for reviews. Publishing companies have large marketing resources to help make sure their books are given the best exposure to the market. Publishing companies also offer editorial services, book design, and target audience marketing to make sure your book has the best chance for success.

The hardest part about getting a book published through a publishing company is getting them interested. Most publishers are looking for the easy sell. What that means is that they chose to publish books by authors who have a demonstrated platform. A platform is a word for audience. When a publishing company considers a new author, the main thing they want to know is who will buy this author’s book. A writer with a demonstrated platform gives the publishing company confidence the book will make a profit. The types of platforms publishers generally look for are authors who are nationally known and can command media attention–this is why so many celebrities are able to write books. Other platforms include large mailing lists or newsletter subscribers, being the head of a large company, having a very active speaking schedule before large audiences, being a TV commentator or radio commentator, being in a high-profile position, being considered an expert in your field, etc.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6907949